Home > Industries > 水泥 / AFR > 产品和系统 > 装卸技术



  • autopac building materials

    autopac® Loading and Palletising

    The Beumer autopac® is an efficient and cost-effective system for simultaneous loading and palletising of bagged materials such as gypsum.
  • Bag Loader and Transport

    Bag Loader

    Whether on trucks or railway wagons, our bag loaders make loading and unloading your transport vehicles easy and efficient.
  • Ship Loader

    We offer a variety different systems for ship loading. These systems must fit in the port infrastructure ...
  • Bulk Loading Heads

    Bulk transporter vehicles can be loaded quickly and free of dust with the Beumer bulk loading head.
  • Railway Wagon Loading Systems

    Railway and Train Loading

    Railway and Train Loaders maximise the use of the capacity in each wagon while maintaining a high level of efficiency and accuracy and safety.
Claus Weyhofen - Head of Sales Cement

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Your Contact Person

Claus Weyhofen

Head of Sales Cement

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