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Replacement of Legacy Frequency Converters in Handling and Sortation Systems

Turning frequency converter obsolescence into an operational advantage.

The frequency converters (FRQs) which are an integral part of your handling and sortation system may now be obsolete following the EU Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) 2.0 Directive. The FRQs may also have been impacted by recent changes in frequency converter technology.

To help our customers turn FRQ obsolescence into an operational advantage, BEUMER Group has invested in developing and field testing a replacement programme to help smooth the transition to RoHS 2.0-compliant components.

Completing the programme will help to ensure regulatory compliance with little or no impact on the normal operation of your system. Tests conducted by BEUMER have also shown that the replacement programme can add enhancements to your system as well as increase the operational efficiency.

The BEUMER Group (Crisplant) systems which will benefit from the replacement of the obsolete FRQs are the S2000, S3000 and LS-4000 sorters as well as legacy conveyor and CrisBag® systems.

Frequency converter replacement programme

Your replacement solution and operational benefits

The FRQ replacement programme helps to ensure regulatory compliance and optimises the operation of handling and sortation systems. With little or no system downtime during FRQ replacement, the programme will be completed without the need to interrupt the operation of the system.
In PROFIBUS installations, one of the most significant benefits is that the replacement programme will add system redundancy. By establishing a separate PROFIBUS segment for each induction unit, the system is re-configured so that each unit becomes a branch of the PROFIBUS loop. This allows individual sections of the system to be deactivated.

Why consider this replacement?

The original frequency converters which are now obsolete are no longer available to buy, so proactive planning is vital. Replacing the obsolete FRQs will eliminate the risk of your system not being able to operate after a breakdown.

The replacement programme will not only keep the system operational, but it will extend the lifetime and future-proof the system. The old FRQ – if removed while still functioning – can be used as spare parts later in the new and updated system.

BEUMER Group’s retrofit programme

Get in touch for your detailed plan

The replacement programme will be scheduled to fit your organisational operational requirements. BEUMER will outline a detailed plan for your system to ensure a frictionless transition to the replacement FRQs. The plan will have minimal impact on the operation of your system during and after the retrofitting of the replacement FRQs.

Contact BEUMER today to initiate a review of your system and take the first step in retrofitting RoHS-compliant FRQs.

Watch this 2-minute video to learn essential FRQ replacement facts from a BEUMER engineer.

Scope of the BEUMER Group frequency converter retrofit programme

BEUMER Group replacement of legacy FRQ in sortation systems

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  • 1. The replacement project typically starts with a retrofit to one or two inductions, conveyors or CrisBag elements. Your local technicians will already have been trained to enable them to complete the retrofit of the remaining components on-site.
  • 2. If needed, software is updated and adapted to allow seamless replacement for all remaining components on-site.
  • 3. For sorter inductions, the individual deactivation of an induction unit allows the replacement of the FRQs to be completed while the sortation system remains uninterrupted and in normal operation.
  • 4. When the components for the next retrofitting project have been purchased, your local technicians will then be able to complete the retrofit to your preferred schedule.
  • 5. All relevant documentation will be updated to reflect the changes to the system and the operational enhancements.

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Sanne Klit

Head of Parts Logistics

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