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Logistics agility powered by pioneering automation

Sorting flexibility to cater for Loggi’s ever shifting environment.

Motivation for automation

Due to business growth, Loggi needed to expand its capacity but with minimal cost. Versatility was a priority. Everything would have to go across the sorter in the same process without pre-sortation. Loggi quickly came to the conclusion that the cross-belt technology would be the best solution to deal with it all.

Renzo Frozoni, Director of Operations at Loggi was in charge of the automation project. He says, “We bought this machine because it let us keep our internal flexibility – if we want to change a process around it, we can do it.” He explains that the way the BG Line Sorter works compliments the agility at the heart of Loggi’s business – “we are not forced into rigid processes that takes away the flexibility of our company.”

  • 4

    BG Line Sorters
  • 7200

    parcels/hour per sorter
  • 32

    Parcel chutes for reloading at each sorter.

An automated backbone to support a rise in e-commerce

Renzo Frozoni reflects that as well as speed and flexibility, automation has provided greater control. “Our processes are not only in the mind of our staff, but rather built around the sortation solutions and it helps to leverage the business. Also, a simple but very important aspect is that we no longer risk losing knowledge if people leave the company. Automation has given us a higher sense of control of the process.”

Loggi’s automation installation proved invaluable when demand rocketed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The rise of e-commerce had already created a huge demand for connecting people across the great distances of Brazil, but then the pandemic doubled Loggi’s throughput in a very short time. Luckily, the automation was already in place. “This was not something we just did overnight,” Frozoni recalls, “but having the automated backbone in place did help us scale up at a rather fast pace. It is the culture of our business to embrace a challenge, and although it was hard, the flexibility we have around our line sorter solution helped make it possible.”

Sandra Lückmann - Head of Sales

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Sandra Lückmann

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