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Pipe Conveyors - Closed Transportation of Bulk Materials

Tight turns, steep inclines and long distance - pipe conveyors transport bulk material across challenging terrain. A pipe conveyor is actually a conveyor belt shaped into a tube, the closing of the belt helps to reduce contamination and spillage: protecting bulk materials from the sun, rain and wind - and protecting the environment at the same time. This is important when transporting sensitive materials, such as waste products for instance, close to or even through public areas. There are no unpleasant smells, no material loss, and equally as important, there are no adverse effects to the surrounding environment.

Space-Saving Design and Long-Lasting Durability

One of the standout features of pipe conveyors is their space-saving design. With fewer transfer towers and a compact system layout, they provide a cost-effective solution for transporting bulk materials. The pipe conveyor’s ability to move different goods on both the upper and lower runs adds to its versatility, earning it the nickname “almost anything conveyors”. Made with high-quality materials and designed for maximum durability, these tube conveyors are built to withstand harsh operating conditions, ensuring a long service life even in demanding environments.

Pipe Conveyors Overcome Challenging Terrain

The flexible tubular shape means pipe conveyors are able to overcome steep inclines and thus make transfer towers and power stations redundant. This is a key factor, especially in comparison to other conveyor belt systems. When a pipe conveyor has to traverse a downward incline, this motion can be used to efficiently recover energy. The structurally flexible, low-maintenance system with a small footprint can conquer even the most challenging terrain and keep existing facilities to remain in use and in place.


Technical specification – Pipe Conveyor

Centre distance: up to 10 km
Curve radius – standard values: min. 300 x d for fabric belts and min. 600 x d for steel wire belts
Conveying capacity: up to 6,000 t/h
Conveying speed: up to 6.5 m/s
Angles of inclination: up to 30° depending on the material to be conveyed
Pipe Conveyor Application
6.6 km long Pipe Conveyor for the Transport of Iron Ore

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Pipe Conveyor Design

As with a troughed belt conveyor, the loading section or feeder of a pipe conveyor is open in order to be able to take on the bulk material. Special rollers then form the belt into a closed tube – diameters of 150 to 650 millimetres are possible. From this point on, metal plates with hexagonal cut-outs and staggered rollers with large support spans keep the tube in shape and closed over the entire conveying distance. Once the conveyed material has reached its destination, the pipe conveyor belt opens automatically due to the positioning of the rollers and ejects the material. A deflection system now guides the belt into the lower run, where the conveyor belt is brought back into the tube shape and runs back to its starting point. For dual pipe systems it is also common to build and install walkways between the pipes for inspection and maintenance.

Oval and Round Pipe Conveyor Variations

A distinct design feature of the pipe conveyor is the round shape of the belt. There are two design variants: oval and circular. Each shape has its unique advantages. The oval shape seals the overlap of the belt a little better, because the angle of the overlap is flatter. On straight sections and across long distances the oval shape performs well – here the tube conveyor belt runs steady with little twisting or deviation. This is also due to the aerodynamics, there is less surface for wind resistance. On the other hand, the circular or round tube shape requires less reinforcement, and the cable construction has greater stability. The service life of the lower rollers are also extended, as they do not have to carry as much weight and endure less wear and tear as a result.

Pipe Conveyor Belt Quality and Band Construction

Your individual needs, the conveying capacity and length of the pipe conveyor determine the belt quality. Does your case require normal or heat and tear-resistant rubber? Does a textile weave offer enough durability or are reinforcing steel cables required? Your requirements determine the construction of the belt. For safety reasons, depending on the type of material, the recommended capacity for our pipes is usually 75% of the pipe’s diameter. That way there is a little extra room to take on additional weight.

By using special rollers, low-noise bearings and the correct conveying speed our pipe conveyor system actively reduces noise emissions, this ensures that the people living near the conveying line are not disturbed by noise. An added advantage is the improved day-to-day working environment of our workers.

From Planning to Operation

Whether short distances for alternative fuels, cement, or clinker or kilometre-long transport of ores, limestone and gravel – our technical expertise will help ensure proper planning at the beginning of your project. Our knowledge of horizontal, inclined and ascending routing and proprietary calculation programs are what make the realisation of big projects possible in the first place. With extensive feasibility studies and elaborate simulations of loading conditions and throughput rates, we develop the right system solution for you with the appropriate belt width and drive power for conveying your goods.

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Case studies

Conveying Technology

We have a broad product offering and build complete systems in addition to individual components. Together with you we will find the right solution for your unique requirements.

Conveying Technology

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