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Baggage handling system for the perfect operation at your airport

A well-designed, high-speed baggage handling system (BHS) is the backbone of any airport. We at BEUMER want to help you create the perfect baggage handling system in your airport.


Tailored solutions for your baggage handling system

Each airport demands a perfectly adapted baggage handling system to suit its unique needs.

Our customised end-to-end baggage handling systems adhere to the IATA standards and integrate all technologies required for the highest possible efficiency.

We offer the following solutions and components to create a customised baggage handling system that integrates seamlessly with your airport operation:

Check-in and reclaim solutions for your baggage handling system

From check-in to reclaim: BEUMER technology ensures that baggage handling runs as smoothly as possible before and after the flight to cater for a better passenger experience.

With the CrisBag® Self-Bag Drop baggage handling system, check-in efficiency is maximised to reduce operating costs and allow more efficient use of airport staff.

Our CrisCheck® check-in conveyors are easily expandable or reconfigurable to suit the individual requirements of any baggage handling system.

Finally, the modular CrisClaim® baggage system carousels offer countless customisation possibilities and provide unparalleled reliability – even under the extreme demands of high passenger density.

Independent carrier systems (ICS) for your baggage handling system

At the heart of airport baggage operations lies an intelligently designed baggage handling system (BHS).

The Independent Carrier System (ICS) is designed to optimise the efficiency and intelligence of the baggage handling systems by use of tote- or cart-based technology delivering 100% track and trace:

The CrisBag® tote-based individual carrier system is a “one bag per tote” and “one tote per logical section” system design. It is the simplest and most secure technology to control the individual bag during baggage handling operations.

Our autover® independent carrier system, or Destination Coded Vehicle (DCV), offers precise and fastbaggage transport in a system where each cart carries single piece of luggage and has a unique number for track and trace.


The fast and precise transfer of baggage inside and between airport terminals is a challenge at every airport. Besides our ICS systems, we offer the following baggage handling solutions for this purpose:

The CrisStore® rack-based storage – a dynamic storage solution for baggage storage (EBS) and a vital component for airports looking to optimise the make-up process by means of batch building and speed loading.

The tilt-tray loop sortation system is an airport-specific solution designed for high-speed baggage sortation system baggage items of various shapes and sizes.

The CrisBelt® baggage handling system for cost-effectiveness and reliable baggage operations with simplified maintenance and low energy consumption.

Loading and unloading solutions for your baggage handling system

Our automated and semi-automated baggage handling technology solutions optimise the loading and unloading processes inside the baggage handling hall.

Here’s what we offer:

Baggage Loaders ensure the safe and efficient loading and unloading of luggage into unit load devices (ULD) and other containers for better ergonomics and BHS efficiency.

Our Baggage Unloaders provide a simple and ergonomic means to shift arrival bagsfrom ULD containers to inbound conveyor lines in the airport.

A Baggage Manipulator is a highly efficient, semi-automatic loader designed for rapid loading of luggage into carts, trolleys or ULDs, promoting loading efficiency and ergonomic comfort.

Lastly, our Automated Container Unloader is an automatic solution to unload luggage from ULDs with minimal operator intervention.

Software and controls for your baggage handling system

Our baggage handling software solutions manage every aspect of the airport baggage handling system from operation to optimisation and planning. Every piece of baggage is handled with absolute control and maximum traceability.

We’ll help you improve your airport baggage handling system

Airport operations generate a significant amount of data. BEUMER Group has established a data warehouse and we’ll assist you with your data analysis.

In addition, BEUMER’s Global Diagnostics Centre provides advanced analytics to boost baggage handling system efficiency, top-tier security to prevent issues, and a best-in-class Hotline for rapid problem resolution.


The highly specialized and passenger-oriented Singapore-Changi Airport is considered one of the most advanced globally.

With almost 15 million passengers per year, Helsinki Airport is the leading long-haul airport in Northern Europe.

Düsseldorf Airport: Germany’s third-largest airport has integrated CrisBag® as an important component of its baggage handling system in Terminals B and C.

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Your Contact Person

Mortiz Bender

Director, Sales & Business Development, Airport

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