CSR policy of BEUMER India Private Limited
At BEUMER, we believe that the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of the way we have been doing our business. The Company’s CSR initiatives play pivotal role in improving the lives of the communities and society at large, with an objective to energize, involve and enable them to realize their potential. This shall also enable us to fulfil our commitment to be a socially responsible corporate citizen.
The main objective of BEUMER CSR policy is:
- To lay down guidelines to make CSR a key business process for sustainable development of the society.
- To directly/indirectly undertake projects/programs this will enhance the quality of life and economic well-being of the communities in and around our plant and society at large.
- To generate goodwill and recognition among all stake holders of the company.
Our responsibilities
A) Towards our communities
We shall involve communities surrounding our operations to bring about a positive change in their lives through holistic, sustainable and integrated development.
B) As a Corporate Citizen
We reaffirm our commitment to conduct our business with environmental accountability. We will endeavour to adopt environment-friendly technologies and energy efficiency in our operations while continuously monitoring and reducing emissions.
C) Responsibilities toward our Employees
We will foster a work culture with high ethical principles and standards and encourage our employees to perform with utmost integrity, commitment, ownership and complying with OHS standards guidelines.
Guiding principles
A) Community Support
- Select underprivileged communities that we want to work with using a consistent and objective assessment framework
- Work independently and in partnership with NGOs on the selected underprivileged communities
- Have a singular focus of making them self-sufficient through innovative and sustained long-term intervention programs
- Assess the performance of communities objectively on a periodic basis
B) Environment Support
Spread awareness and adoption of environment friendly practices within the offices and in the communities we operate in.
C) Disaster Support
Provide aid and relief measures in the event of major calamities affecting the region or nation we operate in.