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Feasibility Studies

As a globally active manufacturer of open opencast mining systems and equipment, FAM also prepares a wide range of feasibility studies for the projects planned.

Why Feasibility Studies?

Within these feasibility studies, possible solutions for an optimal project realization are considered, analyzed and evaluated in relation to costs and technology applied.

Our Range of Services

We evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the solutions regarding investments risks and give recommendation for decision making. The processing depth is variable and can be determined by the customer.

In addition to the country-specific requirements and current state of technology, we also consider the special boundary conditions specified by the customer for the projects.

Your Benefits

New construction projects, as well as expansions, modifications of existing equipment and facilities, stockyard and port facilities and transport routes for various technologies and industries could be considered.

Your Partner of Choice

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Our support goes beyond the standard — it’s a partnership built to last. Backed by a worldwide network of regional service centers, we are with you throughout the entire lifecycle of your systems and assets, understanding your unique needs to ensure maximum reliability and efficiency.

We are working 24/7 to be your Partner of Choice.

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Our digital products and services

Smart Bulk Material Handling
Remote Solutions
Digital Engineering

Contact us to convert your requirements into an exactly fitting solution for your projects, machines and plants.

As one of the leading suppliers, FAM Minerals & Mining GmbH offers machines along the complete transport chain for bulk materials.
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