Home > Press > BEUMER Group publishes report ‘The State of Airports 2021: Recovery and Opportunity’

BEUMER Group publishes report ‘The State of Airports 2021: Recovery and Opportunity’

  • Gepäckabfertigung im Flughafen

BEUMER Group – a leading global supplier of automated baggage handling systems – has published a report which details ‘The State of Airports 2021: Recovery and Opportunity’.

The report gives airport executives insights which have been collected from their peers who work in airports across America, Asia and Europe. The key insights in the report show how airports are adapting their operations, and how airports will look in the future, following the global pandemic.

Guidance is presented on the challenges that airports will face when operating in post-crisis conditions, and when operating with limited staff. The ways in which airports can effectively prepare and deal with these challenges are outlined in the report.

The insights which have been collected from airport executives reveal how the state of airports has been, and will be, impacted by the pandemic:

  • How airports have prepared for the reopening of international travel and how the airport experience has changed permanently
  • The number one priority which enables airports to future-proof operations, and the new ways in which airports will need to be designed to handle fluctuating capacity and future pandemics
  • How lockdown has impacted innovations in airport infrastructure

The report looks at the history of handling massive disruption and post-pandemic booms and also looks to the future. Going forward, infrastructural adjustments will enable airports to use digitalisation and data-driven technologies to turn volatility into predictability.

CHAPTER 1: Overcoming challenges as airports reopen

CHAPTER 2: Improving the passenger experience

CHAPTER 3: How airports can rethink the interlining model

CHAPTER 4: How airports can protect and develop new revenue streams

CHAPTER 5: Insights into how airports are adapting their operations

The report is part of the information presented in the BEUMER Group Knowledge Hub for Airports, and the report can be downloaded, at no cost, from The State of Airports 2021 – Recovery and Opportunity.