Home > Press > BEUMER Group demonstrate data-driven efficiency with live BHS control room at Inter Airport 2019

BEUMER Group demonstrate data-driven efficiency with live BHS control room at Inter Airport 2019

  • Gepäckabfertigung im Flughafen

BEUMER Group – a leading global supplier of automated baggage handling systems – invites visitors to experience a live Baggage Handling System (BHS) control room at Inter Airport 2019.

The control room will demonstrate how BEUMER Group uses data analytics to enable airports worldwide to use data-driven information to optimise operations and drive greater efficiency. The data provides the basis for predictive analytics, 3D visualisation and machine learning.

The data delivers overviews of BHS performance in addition to providing tools and reports for optimisation and planning and BEUMER Group’s data-driven services enable improved decision-making for airport staff in maintenance, operational and management.

“Man-made decisions are not always precise,” explains Klaus Schäfer, Managing Director, BEUMER Group. “The human mind cannot quickly process all the necessary factors, which is why our Management Information System works on three different levels to quickly and efficiently provide informed data to help the airports‘ BHS operations to make the right decisions“.

The developments in data-driven operation support BEUMER Group’s design for the ‘airport of the future’. The airport also features the Ultimate Baggage Handling System and the use of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for selected baggage handling operations and ULDs.

BEUMER will be on Stand 1154, Hall B5, from 8th to 11th October at Inter Airport 2019, in the Munich Trade Fair Centre, Germany.