Home > BGFusion SCADA HTML


BGFusion HTML is the BEUMER Group integrated GUI suite, combining the user interface for all BEUMER Group server applications.

BGFusion HTML provides O&M staff with an integrated unified interface for monitoring, configuring, and maintaining the complete system. The harmonized modern GUI, which follows best practise GUI concepts and look & feel standards, is designed to ease the performance of operation and maintenance tasks, provide improved visibility and control of the system and in general improve user efficiency and satisfaction.

The BGFusion HTML client is web-based and can be accessed from any PC with authorized network access to the system. It can run in parallel with any other applications on the client computer with several concurrent instances.

The web-based client eliminates the need for dedicated workstations with thick client applications as the only required software is a standard browser. Workstation replacement in case of hardware failure is therefore significantly simplified as no client installation is required and application software updates are performed only on the server side.

The BGFusion main menu screen supports multiple virtual desktops and enables the operator to start specific widgets in each desktop. The widgets are selected from the BG Fusion main menu shown in the figure below. The main menu is configurable and includes the widgets relevant for the specific site.


BGFusion HTML SCADA provides the following main functions:

  • SCADA overview – A graphical view of the system with status and error visualization.
  • Command and Control functions for the main system elements (e.g., Start/Stop of elements)
  • Viewing and managing the Active alarms and Alarms history

The SCADA Overview is a customized graphical view of the system, such as a warehouse, distribution centre etc., reflecting the actual layout with the possibility to implement several view levels and zoom function for zooming on specific elements. The view in each system will be customized to the site-specific layout.

Active alarms

Active alarms and alarms history are accessible through dedicated widgets which list the relevant alarms with the possibility to filter and sort the list based in different fields. The widget also enables the operator to perform actions on specific or multiple alarm, such as acknowledging an alarm.

Command widget

The command widget provides the control over the main system elements.

legend and IT overview

A legend widget provides the explanation of the different symbols used in the system, and IT overview widget provides the status of the different IT components in the site. BGFusion is flexible on desktop where multiple widgets can be arranged side by side within the same desktop. By opening multiple browser windows and using multiple monitors, one can have multiple views concurrently, as shown below with three widgets displayed on two monitors.