As an independent and family-owned company, BEUMER Group is deeply committed to the principles of sustainable development. Through strong partnerships we have developed a deep understanding of the sustainability issues of our key industries and enable our partners to achieve their sustainability goals and targets.

Our Commitment to Sustainable Development

At BEUMER Group, sustainability is an integral part of our work. As a family-owned business, we are looking for long-term success and not for the short-term profit. We incorporate sustainability into all of our business decisions and fulfill our responsibility to sustainable development on a global scale.

Our corporate culture sets us apart and is integral to our success, which is why we provide a healthy, open-minded, and inviting workplace that enables our employees to grow professionally.

Our ambition is to be the partner of choice for sustainable intralogistics solutions. We understand the critical role played in society by the industries that we serve, and we’re dedicated to delivering innovative, high-quality products and services that contribute to the sustainable transformation of our partners’ operations.

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including those related to poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.

This is why we have committed to focusing our efforts on the clearly defined sustainability issues that we can have the biggest impact on across the environment, society, and corporate governance issues.

Our Contribution to the un sdg’s

Contribution to the UN SDGs forms the baseline for our sustainability strategy. We aim to create sustainable value through our operations and reflect all of our actions based on their contribution towards our overall sustainability commitment and greater societal agenda, referenced by the UN SDGs.


Translating societal challenges into corporate action

The BEUMER Group sustainability strategy is developed through a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process, creating co-authorship and co-ownership of our people in generating opportunities to support our strategic agenda. Together with our stakeholders, we identified nine sustainability issues to be relevant to our business:




„We are active in industries which are vital to society. Our goal is to become a pioneer in making these sectors more sustainable, to reduce the impact on the planet to a minimum.“

Dr Christoph Beumer
Owner and Family Member

Our responsibilities

We are resolute in our commitment to sustainability, recognizing the critical importance of striking a harmonious balance between social and environmental impacts while driving economic value for BEUMER Group and our partners. We vow to incorporate sustainability into every business decision that we make and ensure that we fulfil our responsibility to generate sustainable value on a global scale.


Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

BEUMER Group has committed to set near-term company-wide emission reductions in line with climate science with the SBTi.

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For many years, BEUMER Group’s headquarters has reported its sustainability performance to the sustainability platform EcoVadis.


We Mean Business Coalition

As part of our commitment to the SBTi we are also recognized as part of the WE MEAN BUSINESS COALITION, an initiative focusing on climate leadership through ambition, action, advocacy, and accountability.

From cost to value-based engineering

Transitioning from a cost-focused mindset to a value-based approach lies at the heart of our engineering philosophy at BEUMER Group. While the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) has traditionally been the primary consideration in business activities, we recognize the importance of incorporating environmental and social factors into our definition of sustainability.

That is why we embrace the Total Value of Ownership (TVO) — an approach that is built on trust and rooted in strong partnerships. We prioritise delivering an exceptional customer experience that enables our partners to grow through the utilization of BEUMER Group solutions.

An integral component of this value proposition lies in the sustainability performance of our systems, and we are also committed to an ongoing process of system enhancement and environmental impact reduction. This commitment equips our business partners with the information they need to make informed decisions, striking a balance between system reliability and sustainability performance.

To further implement sustainability in our product design and innovation, we assess sustainability criteria in two crucial phases: exploration and development. During exploration, we ensure each idea contributes to our sustainability purpose. In the development phase, we focus on delivering tangible value to our customers. This comprehensive process ensures the integration of sustainability aspects into our products and embodies our commitment to a sustainable future.

Andreas Backs - Director Global Sustainability

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Andreas Backs

Director Global Sustainability

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