Düsseldorf Airport
Baggage handling solution
  • 0 km length
  • 0 bags per hour
  • 0 EBS positions
Yadong Cement
Troughed belt conveyor
  • 0 km length
  • 0 t per hour
  • 0 m height differences
Inter Cars
Warehouse control system
  • 0 parts per hour
  • 0 special terminals
  • 0 km conveyor technology
Position in the field of conveying and loading technology strengthened

Lafarge Zementwerke GmbH in Retznei, Austria, relies on the single-source solution of BEUMER for the handling of alternative fuels and raw materials.

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Welcome to BEUMER Group

With 5,600 employees in more than 70 countries we offer intralogistic solutions for conveying, loading, palletising, packaging, sortation and baggage handling.

Your partner of choice

Proactive Customer Support for your industry

Our support goes beyond the standard — it’s a partnership built to last. Backed by a worldwide network of regional service centers, we are with you throughout the entire lifecycle of your systems and assets, understanding your unique needs to ensure maximum reliability and efficiency.

We are working 24/7 to be your Partner of Choice.

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startup Company Incubator

Since 2018, our startup incubator, BEAM, has been building numerous software-focused companies that provide solutions to critical logistics challenges.

Jobs & Careers

“Made different” is not just a claim for us. It’s a business mission that has guided our progress for three generations. Join our team!

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